Monday, January 14, 2008

MacHeist bundle referral (sans shame)

If you haven't already heard of MacHeist, it's a group of individuals who got together to promote a sweet deal that benefits Mac app developers and several charities. The short version is this - the MacHeist team puts together a package of shareware applications, separately worth about $400, and sells it for $49. 25% of the proceeds to go charity, and the rest is used to cover the cost of promotion and pay the developers (who are given a flat fee for rights to sell their applications for the duration of the bundle). It works out well for everybody (especially the customer).

First of all, the bundle itself is phenomenal. Based on only the applications currently unlocked, it's a steal - and I probably only use half of it on a daily basis. 1password, AppZapper, Snapz Pro X, and TaskPaper make it worth my money alone - and the other apps are great, too. Assuming that MacHeist breaks shatters the sales goal for unlocking Pixelmator, that application alone makes this bundle a HUGE deal (since it typically sells for $60).

So, here's my shameless plea - buy it with my referral link. Why? Because I'll get another cool and useful application if you do. Here's the link.

Buy the MacHeist bundle

Friday, January 11, 2008

TITANic indeed

My new baby :]

today... shaping up to be TITANic.

more to come later ;]

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

obligatory new years post

i'll keep it short and sweet, i promise - 2007 rocked my socks. i got engaged, i went to turkey, i bought a house, i got married, and for the first time ever, i got stitches through my thumbnail. so 2008 has its work cut out if it's going to top old '07.

while i'm at it, christmas this year was pretty fantastic as well. we went to wilmington to see my mom's side of the family the saturday before christmas. it's always a bit overwhelming, what with 40+ members of my extended family in a 1000 square foot house, but it was still fun. we did our own christmas thing on sunday, just me and the wife. i loved my gifts, and she loved mine - we did a really good job without going overboard w/the money. the only trouble is that it set the bar pretty high for next year. monday, we stopped by my parents' place in greensboro to give them one of their christmas presents (a "new" computer) because it required some setup, and then spent the night in asheboro w/lauren's family. we had lunch there with her family, which was really cool. everybody made me feel really welcomed. we had dinner in greensboro with my family and some of my dad's side too. it seemed like a hectic four days, but it was good.

so, here's to a new year.