Thursday, December 13, 2007

on the internets

Today we see (a satire of) Microsoft's latest "wow" gadget: Surface. While the video's newly updated audio track is a bit on the sarcastic side, it does beg the same question that I had when I first saw this thing: WHY. SO. BIG?! Video.

Speaking of Microsoft, looks like they'll be in hot water soon over bundling their cheatin' web browser Internet Explorer with Windows. The short version is this: Opera (3rd party browser developer) is suing Microsoft for bundling IE with their operating system, complaining that it takes advantage of their "dominant position" in the market. Additionally, the offense is further aggravated by the fact that the browser doesn't even conform to standards widely accepted by nearly all others. This results in developers designing websites to function properly in IE (again, due to its prevalence) which indirectly defames other standards-conforming browsers with how poorly the pages are rendered. I think there's some weight behind this one - MS is in for some trouble.

Now I've been a little hard on old Billy G today. Steve Jobs is no better - I've got to hand it to this guy - Apple went too far with their representation of perceived Windows machines on your network. It was funny to me until I realized that it was on every Mac running Leopard in the world. Smug, indeed (yet somehow still funny).

I'd pick on Linux today, too, but... well, market share speaks for itself :]

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